
An Interesting Event of My Life

An Interesting Event of My Life

(297 words, 6 paragraphs, 28 lines)


Introduction: I often look back into my past days and try to call up the interesting events so long. So it is very difficult for me to single out one and leave out the remaining ones. However the following is the most interesting event of my life, I think.


The occasion: I was then a student of class IX. One day some of my friends came proposed to go to the Sundarbans to hunt deer. As it was the summer vacation, I readily agreed to their proposal. Everything was made ready accordingly.


Destination: We hired a boat and started for the Sundarbans. The weather was fair and there was no difficulty on the way. We reached our destination in the evening. We went to the forest office and saw the officer. He allowed us to go into the forest.


The event described: Leaving the boat in a canal, we roamed about in the forest in search of deer. A good hunter accompanied us. We had two guns with us. In the meantime we came to a pool. The monkeys screamed and we understood that there were deer nearby. We climbed the trees close to that place and saw a number of deer. We at once opened fire and succeeded in killing four of them. We carried the deer to the boat and were filled with great joy.


Conclusion: That was a most interesting event in my life. I shall never forget it in my life.